I got the chance to read more books and find information on the computer by researching and studying. This helped me out a lot because I didn't exactly know what to ask or what to type down on my blogs so as I studied the book I found out opinions, questions, major topics, and picture's of the prediction about global warming. I used the Internet to find more information and read more about global warming because I could not check out books in the library. Then I just started to print important passages from the website, and completely turned them into my own words. This took up about 2 hours everyday that I decided to go to the library and research while reading books about global warming. Not only that, I went to three different libraries whenever I had the chance and that was right after school, so that I could continue working on my research and gain more hours. Most of the time I just like to read through the book first and then start doing research so that I can have a picture of what is going to be the main things I'm going to type on my blog. Another thing that I learned is that all the work that I do and the better grade I can get for it, is completely my choice. If I wanted to go study in the library or if I even wanted to go to 3 different libraries to research, became a challenge for me because this was something that I was not use to but fortunately I made the correct choice sometimes and decided to go get my work done and my research so that I can do this and that on one day and be ready for what I'm going to type on my blog the next. I had fun doing this global warming contract for 4 reasons. One because I had to the chance of typing it on the computer instead of write out all my information. Second, because I was able to use this website called blogger.com and it allowed my research to be colorized, edited, and I could even add picture to go along with my post. Third, because I got to over come obstacle's that before I could not over come by myself so I had to force myself and ask for guidance. And my fourth and final reason why I like this contract is because I got a quarter credit for my work that I decided to work hard for, THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Final Review
I got the chance to read more books and find information on the computer by researching and studying. This helped me out a lot because I didn't exactly know what to ask or what to type down on my blogs so as I studied the book I found out opinions, questions, major topics, and picture's of the prediction about global warming. I used the Internet to find more information and read more about global warming because I could not check out books in the library. Then I just started to print important passages from the website, and completely turned them into my own words. This took up about 2 hours everyday that I decided to go to the library and research while reading books about global warming. Not only that, I went to three different libraries whenever I had the chance and that was right after school, so that I could continue working on my research and gain more hours. Most of the time I just like to read through the book first and then start doing research so that I can have a picture of what is going to be the main things I'm going to type on my blog. Another thing that I learned is that all the work that I do and the better grade I can get for it, is completely my choice. If I wanted to go study in the library or if I even wanted to go to 3 different libraries to research, became a challenge for me because this was something that I was not use to but fortunately I made the correct choice sometimes and decided to go get my work done and my research so that I can do this and that on one day and be ready for what I'm going to type on my blog the next. I had fun doing this global warming contract for 4 reasons. One because I had to the chance of typing it on the computer instead of write out all my information. Second, because I was able to use this website called blogger.com and it allowed my research to be colorized, edited, and I could even add picture to go along with my post. Third, because I got to over come obstacle's that before I could not over come by myself so I had to force myself and ask for guidance. And my fourth and final reason why I like this contract is because I got a quarter credit for my work that I decided to work hard for, THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Illuminati
Monday, December 14, 2009
Jason's Personal View
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Weather & Climate
- Weather is what you can see when you step outside, it describes the conditions, such as temperature, clouds, rain, and wind at a particular day and in a particular place.
- Climate is the sum total of weather. It's determined over many years, and describes what the weather is usually like and what extremes to expect.
Things that I have learned about "Adding to the Atmosphere"
It's only recently that humans have begun to change the air. Before 1800's it is said that our civilization had very, very little effect on the atmosphere. But as our numbers grew and our society advanced, that changed in a hurry. I learned that before the 1800, there were fewer than one billion people on earth. But since then, the world population has sky-rocketed. Now there are over 6.5 billion of us sharing this planet. As our numbers have increased, our technology has also advanced. I researched that people invented the electric light bulb and the gasoline engine. More and more people began to raise cattle, grow rice, and plow fields. People began to travel by cars, by ship, and by plane. All of these things send greenhouse gases into the air. We're doing more than ever before, and there are enough of us on the planet that it's making a difference. How are we adding carbon into the air, you ask? Some comes from cutting down trees. People cut down forests to settle the land and to clear it to grow crops, and they use the wood for fuel and lumber. But all these those living trees stored carbon. That carbon is released back into the air when when the trees are burned or when they decay. Most of the rest of the carbon dioxide we emit comes from burning "fossil fuels" are trapped underground, under the seafloor or in sediment of ancient rock. I also learned that we drill for oil and dig for coal, then convert them into forms we can use. When coal is burned in power plants or gasoline made from oil is burned in car engines, the carbon that was once a part of a prehistoric plant or animal is released back into the air as carbon dioxide. I found out that we use fossil fuels for everything. Thousands of coal - burning power plants around the world generate the electricity that people use to light their homes and offices and run everything from refrigerators to computers. Oil refinances make the gasoline that fuels the world's cars, trucks, and airplanes. I also found out that natural gas is used to heat our homes and cook our food. Fossil fuels are also used in making everything from steel to cement, and from plastics to paper. Our world is built on - and is powered by fossil fuels.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Carbon Dioxide & Economic Growth
A country's "carbon intensity" is a measure of the efficiency of its economic output with respect to its carbon dioxide emissions. It's said in this passage that countries with low carbon intensity, release a small amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when compared to their economic output. Their economies are considered to be comparatively "clean". Industrialization has tended initially to develop through industries with high carbon dioxide emissions, such as shipping, steal, and manufacturing. Only as an economy matured, with the growth of hi-tech industries, and the use of more efficient technology to process natural resources, has high economic output become associated with less pollution. l learned that economic growth can be achieved with lower greenhouse gases, and the implementation of the policies to force corporations to be environmentally responsive are essential. While i was reading there was a chart under the passage and it shows the trends in carbon intensity from the year of 1993 up until the year 2003. It tells that Kazakhstan has the most amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the burning of fossil fuels per $1,000GDP. It also saids that China is currently being pressed to make energy and infrastructure investment, as its economy is set to quadruple in size by the next eleven years. If the emission of these countries are to be reduced even while economies grow, more efficient technology needs to be introduced. Claude Mandil from the International Energy Agency saids "There is an urgent need to consider ways to accelerate the decoupling of energy and carbon dioxide from economic growth.Picture from Google.com
Monday, December 7, 2009
Expected Consequences
1. Polar ice caps melting
The ice caps melting is four-pronged dangers.
First, it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. Good thing that’s not going to happen all at the same time, But sea levels will rise.
Second, melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of balance. The ice caps are fresh water, and when they melt they will desalinate the ocean, or in plain English – make it less salty. The desalinization of the gulf current will “mess up” ocean currents, which regulate temperatures. The stream shutdown or irregularity would cool the area around north-east America and Western Europe. Luckily, that will slow some of the other effects of global warming in that area.
Third, temperature rises and changing landscapes in the Artic circle will endanger several species of animals. Only the most adaptable will survive.
Fourth, global warming could snowball with the ice caps gone. Ice caps are white, and reflect sunlight, much of which is reflected back into space, further cooling Earth. If the ice caps melt, the only reflector is the ocean. Darker colors absorb sunlight, further warming the Earth.
2. Economic consequences
Most of the effects of anthropogenic global warming won’t be good. And these effects spell one thing for the countries of the world: economic consequences. Hurricanes cause billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat and control and conflicts exacerbate all of these.
3. Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves.
Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming. Other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive the worst of it, with more severe droughts also expected in Europe. Water is already a dangerously rare commodity in Africa, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming will exacerbate the conditions and could lead to conflicts and war.
4. Warmer waters and more hurricanes
As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. We saw this in 2004 and 2005.
5. Spread of disease
As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Indeed some scientists believe that in some countries thanks to global warming, malaria has not been fully eradicated.
Picture from Google.com
Friday, December 4, 2009
Responding to Change
While going through my research a question arose, "Why should people my age care about global warming?". To start off let me say that the consequences of global warming are to come in the future. And for the people who are young and expect to be in that future, let me ask "why should we suffer these consequences?". When the time comes for these major changes to happen(Global Warming)to our world, the human race will have no further future in this planet and I think that by the time people/human-kind decides to make a worldwide change it will be to late . Not only are we hurting others but we are also making things worse for ourselves. It is fact that our world is being constantly damaged. Everyday different companies and citizens contaminate in different ways, not caring for the consequences that their actions might have in the future. People my age should also care about global warming because the after effects of global warming will most likely affect us directly, and because we will live in a warmer world with less water and we will be living in a world with damaged flora and fauna. I've read that with simply turning off the lights and taking shorter shower we can make a huge difference. Many young people have started caring for their environment, and are taking better care of our world. We young people can make a difference, we can make elder authorities listen to us in order to help our small but beautiful planet earth. And we can start by making a change with ourselves, the future is with us, and I propose that it is generally our choice to save our world.Picture from Google.com
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Disrupted Ecosystems
Almost all the natural ecosystems are endlessly changing. The type and amount of organisms in the ecosystem change because of the change in weather that the organisms have adapted to, for example heavy rain or protracted dry weather which change the convenience of food or the attendance of disease fullness organisms. These changes aren't eternal and the bionetwork usually recuperate over its time period. I learned that the earth's forest have a part in the process of storing carbon, and at the same time it provides protection for the habitat. Forest destruction advances both the impacts of climate change and biodiversity. Another thing that I learned is that in the highlands some species will have to move only a few meters up hill to find their new territories, but there's a problem when the animals on top of the mountain or on the highest places of the earth like the Artic need to find a more cooler climate. If the climate doesn't change for a period of time the ecosystem and species that live their learn to adapt with what they have to survive. But as the climate changes due to global warming these ecosystems and species are forced to continuously accommodate to different weather patterns and different climate change. Picture From Google.com
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Greenhouse Effect
On the day of Dec. 1, 2009 I went home and continued reading about Global Warming and its effects on our planet. In the book that I was reading, I learned about the greenhouse gases and what part it has in earth's atmosphere. I learned that greenhouse gases are natural gases that come from the earth's atmosphere for example water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. These gases are the original greenhouse gases in our planet earth's atmosphere, also greenhouse gases can be human made gases for example halocarbons, chlorine, and bromine and these gases contain extra added substances for there production. I can explain briefly that if the greenhouse gases are increased, it should trap more heat into the earth's atmosphere. Without the natural effect, which serves as a fish-net for the suns heat towards the earth, humans and most other life forms would not have evolved on earth. For example the fair temperature of the earth would be freezing at negative 18 degrees Celsius instead of just being really cold at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. I know that the solar radiation passes through the earth's atmosphere and heats the surface of our planet. The information that I did not know is that some of that energy goes back to the earths atmoshpere. Another thing that I didn't know is that not all of that energy from the sun through the multiple layers of gases that cover the earth. It's these gases that we mainly are experiencing which are the reason for the current climate change. Picture From Google.com
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Polar Changes
I have read and seen in a book called "The Atlas of CLIMATE CHANGE" that the ice on the cap of Greenland melts each summer at the edge and on the surface. It has melted about 700,000 kilometers over the last thirteen years, between the years of 1992 and 2005. In one year where the ice of Greenland did not melt as much as any other year was in 1992 with an amount of about 250,000 kilometers.
Personal Opinion:
I believe that the ice of Greenland's edge and surface is melting but I cannot agree with the opinion of scientist. They said that the ice cap of Greenland will melt and cover a portion of the United States land, they also predict that it will flood a small percentage of the earth's land area. The reason why I disagree with their predictions is because it would take a very long time to melt all the ice from the surface and edge of Greenland. What the scientist forgot to mention in this verse of the book is that the water cycle cannot be predicted. It saids in the book that the melting area varies, which means that the area that is being melted is unpredictable or is at a up and down scale. Although the trend seems to be heading upward. Also, the amount of water that could be melted from Greenland is unlikely that it will cover platues and mountains blocking the border, but it could surely cover the plains of nearby land area's. Picture From Google.com