Friday, December 4, 2009

Responding to Change

While going through my research a question arose, "Why should people my age care about global warming?". To start off let me say that the consequences of global warming are to come in the future. And for the people who are young and expect to be in that future, let me ask "why should we suffer these consequences?". When the time comes for these major changes to happen(Global Warming)to our world, the human race will have no further future in this planet and I think that by the time people/human-kind decides to make a worldwide change it will be to late . Not only are we hurting others but we are also making things worse for ourselves. It is fact that our world is being constantly damaged. Everyday different companies and citizens contaminate in different ways, not caring for the consequences that their actions might have in the future. People my age should also care about global warming because the after effects of global warming will most likely affect us directly, and because we will live in a warmer world with less water and we will be living in a world with damaged flora and fauna. I've read that with simply turning off the lights and taking shorter shower we can make a huge difference. Many young people have started caring for their environment, and are taking better care of our world. We young people can make a difference, we can make elder authorities listen to us in order to help our small but beautiful planet earth. And we can start by making a change with ourselves, the future is with us, and I propose that it is generally our choice to save our world.Picture from